Saturday, April 2, 2011

Starcraft 2: Races (Terran)

Terran Marine
Terran is a race full of humans have many different colonies, some against each other. This race is known for their mobility as some of their buildings can lift off and move. This race evolves through technology from marines which are small infantry units to battlecruisers which are big war ships. Rather than mutation, units are upgraded through technological upgrades. Terran is often to be said as the easiest race to play for a beginner as their units are quite strong and there isn't a lot of things to focus on like Zerg.

The worker unit for Terran is the SCV and they are able to repair buildings and mechanical units as well which is unique to this race. The next unit is the marine which are small infantry units that are trained at the barracks. Next is the Marauder which is a powerful ranged unit with a lot of health for it's cost but it can only attack ground units. The reaper is also trained at the barracks and it specializes against buildings and can leap over cliffs making them very versatile. The Hellion is build at the Factory which is a light armored vehicle that shoots a straight flame making it very strong for harassing enemy worker units making them unable to mine. The siege tank is also built at the Factory and can learn Siege Mode through a tech lab which makes it stationary but gives it a lot of range and AOE(Area of Effect) damage. The Thor is a massive ground unit that is commonly used for taking out large amounts of air units with javelin missiles. The Viking is an air unit built at the Startport and can only attack air and the Banshee is an air unit that can only attack ground. A medivac is an air unit that can heal biological units and carry units as well. The raven is a unit that has a lot of special abilities like heat seeking missiles but it is unable to attack. The battlecruiser is the most powerful unit in the Terran arsenal and it's an all around unit but costs a lot.

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