Monday, April 25, 2011

World of Warcraft: Classes

Character creation screen

There are ten difference classes to choose from in World of Warcraft but some classes are unavailable to some races. The class determines what gear you can wear and what role you have when in a group. Some classes can be multiple roles depending on their talents. Each class has it's advantages and disadvantages to partially balance the game.

Druid: A druid is a versatile class that can become any of the four roles through shape shifting. In Cat Form, a druid is takes the role of melee damage and has skills similar to a rogue. In bear form, the druid can take the role as a tank as it has increased health and armor. In Moonkin form, a druid can take the role of ranged damage as it uses spells instead of melee attacks. Druids have the unique ability to resurrect people even while in combat through the spell Rebirth. Druids can wear leather armor and primarily use two handed weapons.

Death Knight: Currently, death knights are the only hero class in the game meaning they start off at level 55 instead of level 1 and come with gear. They also have their own specialized starting area regardless of race. Also, any race can become a death knight as long as they have at least one other character over level 55. Death knights can either deal damage or tank depending on their talents. Death knights wear plate armor and can wield two one-handed weapons or a two handed weapon.

Hunter: Hunters are the only class that focuses on ranged weapon as a primary source of damage. They can use all sorts of ranged weapons such as bows, crossbows and guns. They are also able to tame a pet which allows them to solo group quests easier than other classes. Hunters can tame different types of pets which have different abilities. Hunters can wear mail armor and use just about every weapon.

Mage: Mages are ranged damage dealers that focus on casting spells. There are three types of mages depending on your talent build and they are Fire, Frost and Arcane. They deal lots of damage and are very good at escaping with spells like blink which teleports them a short distance. They are also good at dealing damage in an area allowing them to kill multiple monsters at once. They wear cloth armor and can either use a main hand and off-hand or a staff.

Paladin: Paladins are holy crusaders who can either deal melee damage, tank or heal depending on their talent build. They have many holy spells which deal extra damage to undead or unholy units. They have special auras with different purposes that benefit everyone in the group. They wear plate armor and can use a main hand and a shield or a two handed weapon. This class used to be exclusive to the alliance but they are available to the horde since Burning Crusade.

Priest: Priests are arguably the best healing class in the game as they have many spells that either heal one specific person or the whole group. They have many useful spells such as Mind Control which controls an enemy unit or player and dispels which remove negative buffs like diseases and spells. They can also cast shields to protect players from damage. Priests can also deal damage in shadow spec but in shadowform, they lose the ability to heal. Priests wear the same items as a mage.

Rogue: Rogues are a stealth class that deal lots of damage but do not have much health. They are good at incapacitating their foes with skills like sap and kidney shot. They are also able to turn invisible until they attack something making them able to ambush their enemies. Rogues can dual wield one-handed weapons and use leather armor.

Shaman: Shaman are a versatile class that can either use melee weapons, heal or deal spell damage. They can drop down four totems that benefits the group as kong as they're in the radius. They are considered one of the best classes as they can adapt to different roles making them useful in groups. They wear mail armor and can use just about every weapon.

Warlock:  Warlocks are dark casters using dark magic and curses and have the ability to tame demons. These demons are combat pets meaning they fight for the warlock. They can either their talents to strengthen their pet, deal damage over time or deal burst damage. They wear cloth armor and main hand and an of-hand or a staff.

Warrior: Warriors are close ranged attackers that fill the role of dealing melee damage or  tanking. They are the only class capable of holding two two-handed weapons They are known for inflicting big amounts of physical damage as they have a lot of spells that reduce healing. Warriors wear plate armor and mainly use two handed weapons or a one handed weapon and a shield for tanking.

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