Monday, May 2, 2011

World of Warcraft: Dungeons and Raids

 In World of Warcraft, dungeons are instances where five people group up to defeat common enemies and bosses. Usually, a dungeon group will consist of three damage dealers, one tank and one healer. Dungeons have ideal level requirements which ensures that people are in the dungeon that is designed for their character level. Dungeon units are mainly elites which are harder than normal units and have a gold dragon around their portrait to indicate that they are elites. These units are difficult to kill alone but not as challenging when engaged with a group. Lots of quests are associated with dungeons that give good rewards for different tasks such as killing a final boss in a dungeon. "Trash mobs" is a term used for units in a dungeon that aren't of any importance and usually drop uncommon gear. Bosses in dungeons usually drop rare gear that is far more powerful. Each boss has unique spells which make each boss fight different and challenging.
Illidan Stormrage - The final boss in Black Temple
Raids are basically big dungeons that require either 10 or 25 people to complete. They are a lot harder than dungeons and require more communication and skill in order to defeat the bosses. These bosses have a lot more spells that require a lot more awareness. Since the chance of obtaining gear is slim when the number of players increase, justice points are rewarded to every player for defeating bosses and they can be traded in for equally powerful gear. Raids vary in difficulty and they are usually completed in a specific order. Gear from lower difficulty raids must be obtained before moving on to a more difficult raid or the group will be under-geared and have a slim chance of successfully clearing the raid. Raids often take a long time and are often done with a guild to ensure good communication since communication is key in order to successfully clear a raid.

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